03 July 2011


I'm getting impatient. Anticipation to be in my own nest builds with every bath towel I buy. I am the little girl poised on the diving board, bouncing to build momentum, still gripping the rails tight.

Bounce...come on, I want to do this!
Grip...but what if I can't?
Bounce...I was born to fly.

And back and forth it goes.
I am eager to go, eager to be defining my independence, eager to test my wings. Sparse nervousness flickers at the edges of my mind. I worry about budgeting, about student loans, about being lonely on my own. But eager. Very eager.
Six months, I sigh, as I reach for Apartment Hunter for the thousandth time. Moving day is set for New Year, which first felt alarmingly close and now seems much too far to wait. Bounce...
Until then, poise.