26 June 2011

Flying Light

Leaving the nest has me thinking of flying these days...soaring out in complete freedom, the wind under my wings, nothing but open sky...and three checked bags, two marked with the glaring red OVERWEIGHT sticker (I'm still hoping the gate attendant meant the bags and not me). And a book that I am trying to cram into my purse so it does not count as an unpardonable third carry-on item. And my passport and boarding pass tumbling out of my pocket to a neat sheaf on the floor. Let's just say that traveling light has never been my strong suit.
As moving day ticks slowly closer, I begin to think that might be an area for improvement. My future nest is a nice little eight hour drive away, not allowing for many re-loads of my compact SUV.  Try one load.
Maybe if I strap the mattress to the roof and the boxes to the mattress and the couch on top of that...
You get the idea. So far I have a boxed dining table set, one plastic tub, three boxes, a shelf in Mom's linen closet, and a notebook packed with design layouts (the notebook can go in my carry-on). Oh, and one of my friends just offered me a queen bed! It is going to be a challenge and a half fitting a queen into a trunk 4' wide. Maybe if I strap the bed frame under the mattress under the boxes under the couch under the mewling cat...

So far no success in traveling light. I laugh and count the boxes among my blessings. After all, someone has to keep the U-Haul in business.

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